Discover Hue Lens

A Dive Into Color Vision

Hue Lenses

The future of eyewear, where innovation meets vivid imagination. Craft it. Wear it. Live life in HD color!

A Dive into Color Vision

Normal Vision: Our eyes house three types of cone cells that pick up blue, green, and red hues, leading to trichromacy.

Abnormal Vision Variants: Some of us have unique cone variations.

Protanopia: Tweaked red cones? Trouble distinguishing between blue-green and red.

Deuteranopia: Green cone anomalies lead to red-green confusion.

Tritanopia: Altered blue cones make blue-yellow discernment tricky.

A Dive into Color Vision

The Magic Behind Hue Lenses

Chromatic Adaptation: Think of it as a visual DJ! These lenses tweak light wavelengths, assisting those with color deficiencies.

Metamerism Mastery: Ever notice how colors shift in different lights? Hue ensures you see consistent shades, no matter where you are.

The Magic Behind Hue Lenses

AI: The Game Changer!

Bespoke Designs: Machine learning dives deep into individual color vision needs, tailoring the perfect lens filtering.

Precision Quality: AI steps in, guaranteeing lens perfection at unprecedented speeds.

Visionary Forecasting: Using past data, AI molds lens designs destined to dazzle in the future.

AI: The Game Changer!

Empowering All Color Visions

Step into Their Shoes: AI simulations offer a glimpse into the colorful world of those with different vision types, refining lens capabilities.

Adaptive Excellence: With AI feedback, Hue Lenses adapt and evolve, ensuring unparalleled color brilliance for every eye.

Empowering All Color Visions